What your SSDI Attorney will Do for You


Going through the Social Security disability application process on your own can be overwhelming, especially if your health is compromised. Although it’s not a requirement to work with an SSDI attorney in Los Angeles, you may find it quite beneficial. The lawyer has experience in dealing with the Social Security Administration (SSA). Thus, they possess the skills necessary for handling any issues that may arise throughout the application process. Your attorney will serve as the communicator between you and the SSA. Keep reading to know what your attorney will do for you:

Review your Case

Your SSDI attorney will carefully review your case from start to finish. Then, they will determine the best approach to move forward. The best attorney will help in making a compelling story around your case, establishing a strategy to ensure you win.

Make Sure you File a Complete Claim

During the initial stages of the application process, most applications are denied due to incomplete applications. Your SSDI lawyer will pay attention to even the smallest detail of your application, so you can file a complete claim.

Gather Evidence

Medical evidence can determine the success of Social Security disability cases. Once you sign a medical records release, your lawyer will help in collecting relevant medical evidence necessary for your application. They will review your medical records and work with you to gather any missing medical tests.

File Necessary Appeals

If your application is denied, you may appeal the decision with the help of your attorney. The appeal process involves a lot of distinct steps and your SSDI attorney can help you navigate them. Your attorney can help you understand the complicated formula used by the SSA to define income and sort through any financial resources you have. There are strict timelines for the appeals and your attorney will stay on top of this and ensure they are met.

Represent You at Hearings

Most disability claims are won at hearings. If your application is denied and you appeal, you will be offered a hearing in front of an administrative law judge. Your lawyer will make sure you are well-prepared for the hearing and represent you at the conference. Also, they will ask questions to witnesses and address any expert witness.

Keep in mind that you are disabled and might be in pain. Although you are not required to work with a disability attorney, your odds of winning your case will significantly improve if you do.

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